Comfortable Clothing
Men: Traditionally, local male meditators wear male sarongs that are available in local markets and at our office. Polite and plain shirts with long trousers are also allowed for male meditators.
Women: White shirts or blouses, dark brown longyis (male sarongs). The longyi and the dark brown strip on top of the blouse are available for sale in local markets, and you can also borrow them at our office.
The longyi and the dark brown strip on top of the blouse are available for sale in local markets and at our office. Medium-size female uniforms are also available for lending at the office. Please note that trousers are not allowed for female meditators
Men & women:
Please make sure your clothes are not too tight, polite and comfortable enough to do sitting meditation with crossed legs.
In winter, it is quite cold. In the early morning, the temperature could drop down below 10°C. Yogis practicing during that period of time should bring enough warm clothes such as hats, socks, shawls, sweatshirts, etc.
In addition, please DO NOT bring noisy clothes i.e. made out of nylon or beeper watches as it would disturb other yogis during their practice in the Dharma hall.
Rubber Slipper
Personal Items
Personal items include medicines, vitamins, toiletries, alarm clock, torchlight + batteries/ recharger if needed, insect repellant, notebook + pens. Optional items such as sleeping bag (winter), hot water bottle (thermos), dictionary and bench for meditation. Please bring enough of the above items, especially if you require particular brands or specific items as you might not be able to buy them in Mandalay.
For long-retreat yogis, once you arrive in Mandalay, there are many superstores i.e. CityMart which sells many imported items from Thailand and abroad. You can shop there to stock up your personal items. During your practice, volunteers can help you buy personal items as needed.
Cash in US Dollar
Please note that it is difficult to exchange other currencies, as well as notes that are old, torn or stained.
ID Photos
12 or more passport-size photos if you wish to have your meditation visa extended in Myanmar.
Female yogis might want to bring an additional pair of slipper for using it to go to the toilet which is near to the Dharma Hall.
Some photos of yogi uniform